


International Awards and Great Achievement

Award Year: 1978
Award Name: Best LOM Publication
Award Publication: Snapshots

Award Year: 1977
Award Name: Assistance to the Handicapped
Award Project: Better Opportunities for the Mentally Handicapped
Awarded: Johannesburg World Congress

Award Year: 1976
Award Name: Largest LOM Delegation to Conference

Award Year: 1976
Award Name: Cert of Merit in Recognition of more than 10% Growth in Membership

Award Year: 1975
Award Name: Best Man and His Environment LOM Project
Award Project: Earth Population Awareness Program

Award Year: 1974
Award Name: Best Accent on Youth Program
Award Project: Better Vision

Award Year: 1973
Award Name: Most Outstanding LOM Publication
Award Publication: Snapshots

Award Year: 1972
Award Name: Largest LOM Delegation to Conference

Award Year: 1971
Award Name: Best Education & Youth Project
Award Publication: Elementary Commercial Course

Local Awards

- Most Outstanding LOM
- Most Outstanding LOM Publication (Snapshots)- Certificate of Merit
- Presidential Award of Excellence to LOM with the Best Participation in NOM Activities
- Presidential Award of Excellence to NOM Officer (Vanky Yip)
- Largest LOM Delegation at National Convention

- Most Outstanding Education & Youth Project
- Best Leadership Development Project
- Presidential Award of Excellence to LOM with the Best Participation in NOM Activities
- Presidential Award of Excellence to Individual Jaycee (Jennifer Yu)
- Presidential Award of Excellence to LOM President (Nora Cheng)- Certificate of Merit

- Most Outstanding Education & Youth Project (Toy Library)
- Most Outstanding CD Project (Better Opportunities for the Mentally Handicapped)
- Best Chapter in Membership Extension- Certificate of Merit
- Presidential Award of Excellence to NOM Officer (Sandie So)
- Presidential Award of Excellence to LOM President (Kitty Chow)
- Best Contribution to JC Club House
- Largest LOM Delegation Award at National Convention
- Largest Contribution to Walkathon

- Most Outstanding LOM
- Most Outstanding Education & Youth Project (Group Dance Contest)
- Most Outstanding CD Project (Anti-Measles Campaign)
- Presidential Award of Excellency to NOM Officer (Annie Tsui)
- Best Individual Raffle Sales in Inaugural Ball (Harkima Shiu)

- Most Outstanding LOM
- Best Chapter in Membership Extension
- Most Outstanding Education & Youth Project (Chinese Chess Contest)
- Most Outstanding CD Project (Earth Population Awareness Program)
- Presidential Award of Excellence to LOM President (Annie Tsui)
- Presidential Award of Excellence to Outstanding Jaycee (Florence Wong)
- Largest LOM Delegation Award at National Convention

- Most Outstanding LOM
- Best Chapter in Membership Extension
- Presidential Award of Excellence to LOM President (Joyce Tzang)
- Presidential Award of Excellence to NOM Officer (Jennifer Yip)
- Largest LOM Delegation at National Convention
- Best Attendance at National Convention
- Best Chapter in Contribution to Inaugural Ball
- Best Individual in Contribution to Inaugural Ball (Pansy Chan)

- Most Outstanding LOM
- Best Chapter in Membership Extension
- Best Contribution in NOM Publication
- Largest LOM Delegation at National Convention
- Best Attendance Award at National Convention

- Most Outstanding LOM
- Best Contribution to NOM Publication

- Most Outstanding LOM
- Best Chapter in Membership Extension
- Best Contribution to NOM Publication
- Best Individual in Membership Extension (Grace Choi)

- Most Outstanding Education & Youth Project (Elementary Commercial Course)