• Origin and History

    The Junior Chamber International Hong Kong Jayceettes is one of the 21 local chapters of Junior Chamber International Hong Kong (JCI HK), which is affiliated with the worldwide development organization, Junior Chamber International (JCI).

    JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes was established in October 1969 as the first lady chapter in Asia and the second in the world. 


    The idea of a lady chapter was started by a Jaycee. The Jaycees requested their wives and girl friends to form an auxiliary group to assist them in their projects. The group was then affiliated to the Victoria Junior Chamber, one of the local chapters of the JCIHK.

    Hong Kong Jayceettes Junior Chamber went one step further and became auxiliary to the National body of the JCI HK. They did all the "behind the curtain" work for their brother chapters. However, the spirit of liberation and the desire to do their own projects were strong and culminated in the determination to form a lady chapter of its own, with equal standing like their brother chapters.

    1969 on Oct 19
    Hong Kong Jayceettes Junior Chamber pleaded for independence and through thick and thins, they became an independent chapter of the JCI HK. Besides being the only lady chapter in Hong Kong, it was the first lady chapter in Asia and the second in the world.

    JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes organized JCI ASPAC Hong Kong Conference

    1981 & 1989
    Awarded Outstanding LOM of the World

    1991 & 1992
    Awarded Outstanding LOM of the Asia Pacific


    Past President Senator Jennifer Yu was the 1st lady JCI World President